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Resolution Alternatives for the New Year

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Resolution Alternatives for the New Year This could be the shortest article in the world if I merely answered the question in the title with the word no. And truthfully, that is the answer. However, there’s more to it than that. First, the word resolution is used more often for personal growth than professional. That’s why…

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Customer Loyalty: The One Thing Every Business Owner Wants This Year

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Customer Loyalty: The One Thing Every Business Owner Wants This Year If every small business owner had the opportunity to write a letter to Santa (or whoever grants Christmas wishes to business owners), they would likely all ask for the same thing—more loyal customers. Sure, the ask may sound different in each form of correspondence.…

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6 Local Business Growth Tips to Retain Your Authenticity While Scaling

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6 Local Business Growth Tips to Retain Your Authenticity While Scaling When Shakespeare wrote, “And though she be but little, she is fierce,” he could’ve been referring to small business. The term “small business” often seems like an oxymoron. What small businesses lack in number of employees, they make up for in dedication, drive, giving…

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How to Craft Irresistible Offers for Your Biggest Holiday Sales Yet

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How to Craft Irresistible Offers for Your Biggest Holiday Sales Yet Small businesses everywhere are enjoying the trend of shopping local. Many organizations, including the Chamber, understand the importance of helping the community realize the value of small businesses. Even with this help, your local business still has two major challenges—marketing (making sure people think…

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